Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Our Advanced Nurse Practitioners who can deal with many of the problems you may at one time have seen a GP about. They are highly qualified nurses and can assess and examine patients, make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and discharge. They work closely with other members of the practice team to provide you with the optimum care.

Advanced Nurse Practitioners


Miss Zoe McClements – Bachelors of Nursing (2010) joined the team July 2021. Currently commenced her PG Dip in Advanced Practice at Dundee University.

Mrs Susan Clark – Bachelors of Nursing (2000). Masters in Nursing (2010). Non – Medical prescribing (2012). Joined the team 2023.

Mrs Victoria Williams – Bachelors of Nursing (2012). PGDip in advanced Practice (2023). Non – Medical prescribing (2023). Currently commenced Masters in advanced practice, expected to complete 2024. Joined the team 2023.

“An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is an experienced and highly educated Registered Nurse who manages the complete clinical care for their patient, not solely any specific condition. Advanced practice is a level of practice, rather than a type or speciality of practice. ANPs are educated at Masters Level in advanced practice and are assessed as competent in this level of practice. Since 2016 new ANPs have had to undertake a master’s level qualification in advanced practice. It takes between 2-3 years of additional training to train as an ANP.

This course should cover:

• Clinical Assessment

• Clinical reasoning, judgement and diagnostic decision making

• Anatomy and pathophysiology

• Non-medical prescribing (V300)

• Leading, delivering and evaluating care

• Practice learning/ work based learning

As a clinical leader they have the freedom and authority to act and accept the responsibility and accountability for those actions. This level of practice is characterised by high level autonomous decision making, including assessment, diagnosis, treatment including prescribing, of patients with complex multidimensional problems. Decisions are made using their high level expert knowledge and skills. This includes the authority to refer, admit and discharge within appropriate clinical areas. Working as part of the multidisciplinary team ANPs can work in or across all clinical settings, dependent on their area of expertise.” (Chief Nursing Officers Directorate, 2017)

What can an Advanced Nurse Practitioner do?

The core clinical competencies of the ANP are to:

• Take a comprehensive history

• Perform a clinical assessment (a comprehensive physical clinical examination of all systems and a mental health assessment)

• Formulate differential diagnoses

• Request, interpret and act on diagnostic tests and investigations

• Formulate an action plan for the treatment of the patient

• Admit, discharge or refer a patient dependent on patient need at time of review